יום חמישי, 19 במאי 2011

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  • one1
    May 3, 10:48 PM
    IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.

    there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

    Ummmm incorrect. I have a major surgery coming up and the only way me and my doctor could sit down together and review the CT Scan was with my iPad 2 since all CT Scans are done on digital now instead of film. I simply stopped by the hospital and snagged the cd the night before my appointment and loaded it before I left the next day.

    My doctor said this was on his wish list, but he couldn't find anywhere in stock.


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  • MacBoobsPro
    Nov 16, 07:57 AM
    I go on how good their logo is...

    ...they must be way off.

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  • asencif
    Oct 17, 09:13 AM
    The better technology for the future is definitely Blu-Ray, however it may be trying to make it's way too early and that is working against it. Prices are just too high right now for Blu-Ray drives and discs and the PS3 is a gaming system that is just too pricey.

    HD-DVD is much simpler and has a more recognizeable name and getting much cheaper which a lot of times is what the consumer market will favor. Right now it's still going to be another 2 years before people start looking away from DVD itself. How many people have a HDTV right now? When I say people I mean non-tech aficionados like us in these forums.

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  • Young Spade
    May 4, 11:22 AM
    +1 - correct. it should not matter but since the fear is there will be no bandwidth left after the geeks have their way, they support moves like this.

    Well yea... I mean but they ultimately want the money from users. What is it, 20-25 bucks? I'm assuming there are at least 100,000 tetherers. I mean... that's lowballing it by a huge margin, but that's already 2-2.5 million right there on TOP of the data bill we HAVE to have for owning a smartphone. They know what they're doing.

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  • Gugulino
    Apr 1, 04:19 AM
    I think, there is a way to get this app in the MAS, too. Needs a bit of tweaking by the developers.

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  • NAG
    Jan 12, 04:34 PM
    Obviously.:rolleyes: I was responding to the idea that is was somehow ironic (and funny) that such a low-tech device could disrupt such a high-tech show. There are many other low-tech ways to cause problems for exhibitors. You can't have an open, accessible show floor and protect against everyone's idea of a "prank." Exhibitors have to be able to trust that attendees, especially press credentialed attendees, won't make them look foolish in order to drive traffic to their blogs.

    Anyway, I hope you took notice of the real point of my comment:

    That's nothing to laugh about.

    Yes, and disagreeing with President Bush means you support the Terrorists. Yes, I just went there.

    Seriously, that is such a slippery slope argument it isn't funny. Blaming some pranksters for the end of big expos is silly.

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  • zephxiii
    Jan 3, 10:47 AM
    I currently have a Samsung Rogue(dumb phone) on Verizon. I have service nearly everywhere I have been. My phone drops calls in the wind(Samsungs fault) and has many problems(Also Samsung, NOT VERIZON), this is one thing I hate about the (dumb) phones. Samsung released this phone with problems but you know what, they dropped this phone 4-5 months later and replaced it with another similar phone...did they do any updates? Yes, 1 and it fixed absolutely no problems that are widespread like the email client makes noise even when the phone is set to Vibrate/Alarm/Silent.

    LOL, oh how I am not surprised!! I had a friend that has a Samsung Impression on AT&T and it has a problem with getting stuck trying to send text messages to the point where you have to reboot it. This is a huge problem with Impressions....

    What did Samsung do about it?? NOTHING!!!

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  • Eidorian
    Apr 5, 03:04 PM
    I wonder if the McRib is still on sale around here...

    I still have to try those new Turkey Burgers at Hardee's.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 7, 05:33 PM
    Lots of rumors coming out about Windows 8, the next version of Windows.

    First off, looks like Microsoft's copying Apple again: they're including a built-in PDF reader in Windows 8, and creating an APPX system for packaging applications in self-contained, sealed packages (a la Mac OS X): http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows8/windows-8-secrets-modern-reader-135788

    Secondly, MSIE for mobile devices and MSIE for "traditional" Windows may be merging, similar to how Safari is developed: http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows8/windows-8-secrets-internet-explorer-immersive-135787

    Finally, a little feature that should've been in Windows 7 - automatic colorization of the translucent window title bars to match your desktop: http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows8/windows-8-secrets-aero-autocolorization-135807

    be careful your blind fanboyism is showing.
    The PDF reader I will say is something that MS should of put in the OS back in XP. Only reason it took this long was because of Adbobe and calling it copying Apple pure fanboyism.

    Really I will say everything you posted is pretty much just really grasping at straws to call it copying. MS history thing (like Time Machine) I suggest you go look back at MS history and you will find MS been working on that a long time. It is more features from WinFS they have been wanting to Add.
    Another reason it been held off on is that type of stuff does tend to eat up Hard drive space quickly.

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  • (L)
    Apr 30, 12:28 AM
    Hey knock it off with all the off topic Windows drivel. Winrumors forums would be a better place to dispute these matters.

    I've seen worse, and done worse, but still feel you're totally right. :o

    Anyway, to attempt an on-topic post:

    This is actually really interesting to me.

    Sliders make some sense (they are more tactile for single-choice selections), but they still suck:
    First, it requires too much care to try to slide it around.
    Second, sliders "value" selections in an order-sensitive way since it is easier to jerk it all the way to one side then to stop it in the middle.
    Third, a slider implies intermediate values are passed through.

    Sliders suck, not just because we are more familiar with buttons, but because they make everything more complicated despite feeling a bit more tactile.

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  • MagicBoy
    Mar 24, 08:08 PM
    Windows has been downhill since DOS.

    Pardon? Want to try that again?

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  • cal6n
    May 2, 10:47 AM
    Google's approach is completely different. When phones running the Google OS detect any wireless network, they beam its MAC, ssid, signal strength and GPS coordinates to Google servers, along with the unique ID of the handset.

    You can check if any androids have reported your home network to google by inputting your router's MAC here:


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  • nosen
    Nov 25, 07:42 AM
    Could someone please tell me what is thanksgiving, I have seen it being celebrated on many american television programs and I know it's got something to do with turkeys but they never seem to mention its origins. Also is it a national public holiday ?


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  • EricNau
    Jan 12, 12:12 AM
    Steve Jobs has earned the right to be smug, you however, have not.

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  • solvs
    Jan 12, 04:14 AM
    Everyone is making comments that suggest that the Gizmodo guys are professionals and have broken some code of ethics.
    They were there as professionals at a professional event, and as said, given press passes. They presented themselves as professionals, and wouldn't have gotten in for free and to the presentations had they not. Even worse, they bring the rest of the community down with them. Some bloggers actually fight hard to try and be taken seriously. Stuff like this just makes it harder for them. And since they're making money by covering this, they may get a small bump in the short term, but it could hurt them down the line when companies decide they aren't worth doing business with.

    Statement from the CEA (http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9849168-7.html?tag=nefd.only):

    We have been informed of inappropriate behavior on the show floor by a credentialed media attendee from the Web site Gizmodo, owned by Gawker Media. Specifically, the Gizmodo staffer interfered with the exhibitor booth operations of numerous companies, including disrupting at least one press event. The Gizmodo staffer violated the terms of CES media credentials and caused harm to CES exhibitors. This Gizmodo staffer has been identified and will be barred from attending any future CES events. Additional sanctions against Gizmodo and Gawker Media are under discussion.
    It's not quite as funny when there are consequences.

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  • mk_in_mke
    Sep 26, 07:06 AM
    I am the owner of a Fuji S3 Pro and I bought Aperture 1 about a year ago ($499). And there was no support for Fujifilm Raw files. I returned the item to Apple.

    I checked again today and the Fuji S3 Pro file format is now listed in the Camera Supported page Apple posted for Aperture 1.5 (http://www.apple.com/aperture/raw/cameras.html)

    The web page says OPTIMIZED Support. see below

    Aperture 1.5 supports the RAW formats from the following digital cameras, providing optimized support to those cameras followed with an asterisk (*). Shoot JPEG? Using Aperture, you can import JPEG images from virtually all digital cameras.

    FinePix S2 Pro*
    FinePix S3 Pro*

    Does anyone know what this is about?

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 01:19 AM
    So? How exactly will this affect you personally? Sounds like an imaginary demon. What exactly is your fear? Will some harm come to you?

    Why does it need to be encrypted? For what purpose?

    Ok. But for what purpose? To what end?

    What exactly do you think will be done with that information? Will you be tracked and abducted? What will be done with information that showed you were like 10km near your local Target outlet? Is this critical, private information about you?

    From what I can piece together (sometimes your grammar is shockingly bad), you're saying Apple is less up-front about collecting (*allegedly*) information that is otherwise harmless.

    And here I am thinking this was something actually worth worrying about.

    Targeted, personalized advertising. LOL. BIG FRIGGIN CONCERN!!

    I see that you truly are worshiping Apple there.
    You bashed Google Buzz on their stuff there but turn around and find this completely ok.

    There is another thread I sited a long list of examples of issues with it.
    But clearly you already have sold your soul to Apple.

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  • hob
    Jan 9, 01:52 PM
    Very nice, my friend. But if you will allow me to improve your idea...

    Ha-ha. Mine's actually set to 10, but I thought I'd extend it so I didn't single-handedly cause the site to crash!

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  • darbus69
    May 4, 12:37 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    I really like the tone of these commercials.

    Also, I enjoy that they keep saying magic or magical; only because I know how angry people (trolls, mostly) here get about it.

    Apple commercials are bright, uplifting and show how technology enhances the human experience. They show people using iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, etc in everyday situations. However Android Zoom, BB Playbook, Tab are dark, joyless with people abducted by aliens, enveloped and overpowered by machines, etc.

    you are very observant-nice job...

    Jan 11, 07:13 PM
    I think the "hilarious" part must have slipped me by. :confused:

    Jan 10, 12:06 AM
    Macbook Pro update: announced 1/15, shipping 1/15 :)
    Macbook Nano: announced 1/15, shipping in 6-8 weeks :mad:

    Oct 6, 04:14 PM
    very original commercial.

    Jan 10, 04:01 PM
    That childish prank is close to the kind of thing that Woz pulled in college, so I can appreciate the humor on one level. The problem is that this was done at a trade show and is completely unacceptable behavior for any group passing themselves off as professional journalists or industry bloggers who wish to be taken seriously.

    If I were CES management, I'd ban them for life. Can't imagine Apple will let them anywhere near Moscone.

    Mar 24, 03:09 PM
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mac OS X, happy birthday to you :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:

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